Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Walt Disney World Marathon 2018

Oh Disney Marathon....

This was my first marathon 5 years ago at the 20th Anniversary Walt Disney World Marathon. I ran the Disney marathon again the following year and alleged that I would not run Disney again.

Fast forward 5 years and I ran it again. I'm training for the Donna Marathon in February so when the opportunity came up to run the 25th Anniversary Walt Disney World Marathon, I took it. I joined my good friend and running buddy Tara for 26.2 magical/miserable miles.

On the up side, the Disney Expo was fun as usual with lots to see and shop. We even got airbrush Minnie Mouse tattoos.

Walt Disney World Marathon
Tara, Rudy and I
The Disney Marathon started dark and early at 5:30 am with a temperature of 43°. We hit traffic on the way to the Epcot start area because of a broken down bus. We finally got parked but by the time we walked all the way to the start corrals, the race had begun with corrals A and B already gone. Rudy was in B so he hustled up close to the front. Tara and I thought we joined corral C but we were actually in the back of D. Tara and I ran together for about the first 3 miles, dodging people as we tried to get around slower runners. I still had the goal of finishing under 4:30 but if it didn't happen, I had Donna in flat Jacksonville in a month.

Walt Disney World Marathon

There was so much construction going on at and around the Disney parks this year. I felt they didn't have as many characters out or fun entertainment as past years. I usually hit my wall around mile 16 but during this race, I felt great...until mile 20. At 20, I was ready to be done. I could feel my tight, left hamstring. But, I only had 6.2 more miles left to go and if I could keep a decent pace, I would be very close to a PR. So I started telling myself, don't let the first 20 miles be a waste and blow it in the last worked so hard in the first 20, finish strong with the time you want!

I pushed myself through the last couple of miles with Epcot being the hardest because of its stupid little bridges between each country. I hate those little bridges! I willed my legs to keep moving forward toward the finish line.

Walt Disney World Marathon
Crossing the finish line and finally done!
Walt Disney World Marathon

 It hurt to walk after my finish. My quads were on fire, hamstrings tight and left IT band screaming for attention.

Walt Disney World Marathon
Me and Tara

I did it! I finally finished a marathon under 4:30 with a time of 4:29:09!!! I'll take it!

I dislike the Disney Marathon for many reasons, one of them being the course length, which is always long...almost a half mile too long this year.  But I did finish, earning my medal and mouse ears.

Age place: 108/1661
Gender place: 850/10763
Over all place: 2835/20025
Avg pace: 10:16 min/mile (course was long 26.63 so actual avg pace was 10:06)
Chip time: 4:29:09

Walt Disney World Marathon

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